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Senior Member Afternoon Tea

Posted on Thursday, March 6, 2025

ARCS MWC Co-Presidents Julie Hohl and Patty Sparrell hosted a wonderful tea for 16 attendees at Julie's beautiful home on Thurs, Feb 27. The annual event was for Emeritus members of the chapter, as well as past Presidents (note: many of the attendees have served in both roles)! 

After everyone had a chance to catch up, Patty and Julie presented chapter highlights, speaking about chapter goals and events (such as the very informative panel presentation at the Winter Membership Meeting), and providing updates on other emeritae. Patty and Julie also briefed attendees on actions being taken at the National level of ARCS Foundation. Jane then spoke about the MWC nominating committee work, led by Mary Jo Ruane, and also about the 2024 Scholar Awards Reception. In closing, Julie and Patty reminded everyone about the upcoming Apr 4 Eagle Award Celebration at the Army and Navy Club in Washington, D.C. This year’s awardee is Dr. John Mather, Nobel Laureate in Physics and NASA Senior Astrophysicist.

Members then enjoyed the delicious tea sandwiches, pastries, scones, jam and clotted cream that Julie provided, along with a wide assortment of teas! Everyone had a marvelous time. Kudos to Julie and Patty for making it happen, and to Elli Nesbitt for capturing the event.

Click here to view all the photos!


Clockwise from left: Betsy Forster, Marilynn Sweetser, Sally Burns, Margie Shanklin, Julie Hohl, Doris Pierson, Toni Schierling, and Claudia Benack. Clockwise from left: Susan Trice, Holly Coyne, Jane Riddle, Patty Sparrell, Beth Parker, Karen Finkbiner, and Connie Watts.


Back Row: Julie Hohl, Jane Riddle, Betsy Forster, Karen Finkbiner, Beth Parker, Patty Sparrell, Doris Pierson, Connie Watts, Marilynn Sweetser and Sally Burns.
Front Row: Susan Trice, Toni Schierling, Holly Coyne, Claudia Benack, Margie Shanklin and Elli Nesbitt.